FRAGRANCE (Translated into English April 2006)
Here you have me, still from your kisses
Smelling to saliva in sweetest affection,
Enwrapped by your scent in a completion
As total as the giving of your blisses.
Here you have me, still from your arms
Caressed whole by the scintillating down,
Scattered drops of gold, your renown
Shining on me in balmy, aromal charms.
As an ethereal cascade, unsubstantial
Covering me, in broad, lukewarm daylight,
Candid as moonshine, ardent as fire...
A real reddish brightness of unessential
Redolence from flesh to risen flesh delight,
Your lingering perfume in my desire.
OLOR I (30 set 1978)
Eis-me aqui, pois ainda de teus beijos,
Rescendendo a saliva, em doce afeto,
Envolto em teu perfume, tão completo
Quanto é total a entrega em teus desejos;
Eis-me aqui, pois ainda de teus braços,
Carinhado dos pelos cintilantes,
Esparsas gotas d'oiro e triunfantes,
A rebrilhar em mim seus meigos traços,
Numa cascata etérea e fugidia,
Que recobriu-me, em plena luz do dia,
Em seu candor de lua e ardor de lume...
Fulgor real e ruivo de quimera,
Que a carne exsuda e a carne minha altera,
Permanecendo em mim, no teu perfume.
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